Monday, April 16, 2007

Deep Thoughts by Donna #4

Have you ever noticed how we measure our life by events? Not really day or time, but what happened on a day or during a time in our life. Well, I have filled my bucket with life events in the last few months! Our first grandson, Hudson James Stuart, was born in February, in Homer Alaska. I turned 53 in March, and celebrated 34 years of Marriage in April. Wow, biggies. How about you? What life events come to mind every year for you? It is good to have past things to remember so that you can see where you are at. Deep huh! Let me know, what events are important for you? Oh yeah, another huge event that happens every year...............April 15th.....TAX DAY!


Anonymous said...

For me.. when i came back to God & Jesus on April 22nd 1999 is an event i tend to celebrate each year because it makes me so very happy that im back with God & Jesus and not where i used to be.. in the depths of dispare.
i hope you ladies are having a wonderful one now!! God bless always!!

Ames said...

I think one of biggest time in my life was going to ALASKA (Summer of 2006). I learned who I was and who I want to become in CHRIST. I hope that made since... God really worked in my life in ALASKA. I think I'm a better person for it..

May GOD bless you and keep you LADIES...

daylon said...

Thanks, Donna! You're loved.